Best of Kenya Safari

Kenya is blessed with breathtaking landscapes, rich collection of wildlife, a pleasant population, pleasant year round weather, many cultural diversity making it a must visit destination in Africa.


Day 1 :

Jambo! Welcome to cosmopolitan Nairobi “Africa’s Green City in the Sun”. After arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, our Seed Tours representative will welcome you and assist you through customs, and immigration procedures, then escort you to the transfer vehicle to your reserved city hotel. The remainder of the day is at leisure or optional excursions can be arranged. Accommodation includes bed and continental breakfast at New Stanley Hotel or similar.

Drive some 170 km to Nyeri at the foot of the Aberdares range. Lunch at one of the classic hotels in full view of Mount Kenya and the Aberdares. Later in the afternoon transfer to a tree hotel hidden in the dense forests. Guests may relax at the verandas overlooking the floodlit waterholes for nocturnal game viewing. Frequent visitors to these tree hotels include rhino, buffalo, elephant, bongo and several other animals. Accommodation on full board basis.

Descend from the verdant highlands driving nrth to Shaba Reserve stretching to the horizon and occasionally broken by mountains. This is an arid and exciting land of scrub and semi desert, sparsely populate by proud nomadic people. Arrive in time for lunch. Physically and faunally dramatic, for most of the year Shaba is dry under the harsh equatorial sun, but relief comes from the Uaso Nyiro river rising in the Aberdares to the west and vanishing into the Lorian swamp. The river bank, clustered with Doum palms, provides the lifeline for the abundant herd. Afternoon game drives until sunset. Full board at Sarova Shaba or similar.

Have extensive game viewing drives, including visits to neighbouring Buffalo Springs and Samburu National Reserves which are home to a mojority of animals which are typical to the drier areas of the north such as Grevy’s zebra, long-necked gerenuk, Reticulated giraffe, Somali ostrich and the handsome Beisa oryx. Full board at Shaba Lodge or similar.
(It's a two days affair)

Have extensive game viewing drives, including visits to neighbouring Buffalo Springs and Samburu National Reserves which are home to a mojority of animals which are typical to the drier areas of the north such as Grevy’s zebra, long-necked gerenuk, Reticulated giraffe, Somali ostrich and the handsome Beisa oryx. Full board at Shaba Lodge or similar.

On a clear day the drive from Samburu to Baringo offers some of the most beautiful scenic views in Kenya. The afternoon is left free to relax and enjoy the tranquility of Lake Baringo. Full board at a lodge or camp in Baringo.

Morning at leisure beside Lake Baringo or take an optional excursion such as a boat ride, bird walk or visit the local Njemp tribal village (charges paid locally). Afternoon visit to Lake Bogoria National Reserve best known for its herds of greater kudu and natural fountains of boiling water. Accommodation and meals at Island Camp or similar.

Two day tour of Lake Nakuru Park located about two and half hours from Lake Baringo. The park is best known perhaps because of its millions of water birds (particularly the flamingoes)resident on the lakeshore, although it also has large humbers of wild animals including some members of the “Big Five”. Leopard, rhino, buffalo, lion, eland and Rothschild’s giraffe may be viewed in the course of your drives. Accommodation at Sarova Lion Hill or similar.

Crown the safari with a visit to Maasai Mara, Kenya’s leading faunal sanctuary. Its great concentration of wildlife makes game viewing and photography extremely rewarding. Witness the endless violence and drama typical of the animal world where the majority off the animals lead an “eat-and-be-eaten” kind of life. Look out for the black maned lions this reserve is famed for. Full board at Mara Serena Lodge or similar.

Return to Nairobi to arrive at around midday. The rest of the day is free. Accommodation at the New Stanley or similar.

Last day of tour retain your room unril 18.00 hours. Seed Tours’ courtesy bus will be on hand to transfer you to the Jomo Kenyatta Airport and provide assistance for your return flight.

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Best of Kenya Safari

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